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H The essence

Equal opportunities

Our Foundation enables and strengthens people who are disadvantaged because of their gender, age, social background, religion or a disability. Health, education and an income through work are the basis of self-determination in life.


Discrimination because of gender, age, social background, religion or a disability is the reason why many people cannot benefit from equal opportunities for self-determination in life. We seek to enable people and communities to live with a high degree of independence and self-determination, and, therefore, to create an added value for the foundation in the sense of social entrepreneurship reflected in our credo “sharing responsibility”


Discrimination because of gender, age, social background, religion or a disability is the reason why many people cannot benefit from equal opportunities for self-determination in life. We seek to enable people and communities to live with a high degree of independence and self-determination, and, therefore, to create an added value for the foundation in the sense of social entrepreneurship reflected in our credo “sharing responsibility”


Facilitating normality

We invest in health. Health is decisive for all our endeavours in projects related to hygiene and medical care. Our attention is focused in particular on countries with a lack of clean drinking water and government support, but also on providing people with disabilities with essential support to allow them to live independently. This may include mobility devices, sign language interpreters or alternative treatments which are not covered by insurances or national health services.


Facilitating independence

Education is a human right. It allows us to act independently and enjoy self-determination. Yet, many people are denied access to education, because of religious, political or social reasons. We give support in the realms of academic education, skills development, personal exchange, mentoring and networking. Our commitment focuses on individuals without access to education or those who do not receive sufficient support through state education programmes.


Strengthening self-confidence and security

Work secures one’s existence. Not only does it provide us with financial security, but it also helps us create our identity and self-awareness. In order to do this, work has to provide opportunities for self-development and continuing education.

Work must not be exploitative, instead, it should foster self-realisation and fulfilment. People have a right to work. Our commitment focuses on reintegrating individuals into working environments, we support initiatives for job creation and stand for improved working conditions.

Imparting expertise
Promoting knowledge
Sharing experience

Living equality


The Library Hub

A success.

The Library Hub is a multi-lingual lending library for learners, families and schools to borrow books and games and to participate in literary event in different languages.

The Library Hub. For everyone.

H Govan



In the GalGael workshop, people who are socially excluded can create objects from wood and build traditional Gaelic boats, together with retired timber workers, artisans and volunteers.

The trust and knowledge gained paves their way back into society.

H Partick

The Language Hub

Ein multikulturelles Arbeiterviertel im Westen Glasgows

Die Peter Baumann Foundation unterstützt den Ausbau von kostenlosen Englischkursen und -Leseprogrammen für Erwachsene und fördert somit den interkulturellen Austausch.

Sprache ist Michèle Gordon Passion.

H Sierra Leone

Clinic Yonibana

A doctor every day

Several times a year the clinic Yonibana is visited by an international team of physicians and is supported by local volunteers. The Peter Baumann Foundation and its partners in this project aim to develop the clinic into a facility that is operated year-round

The people in the area will receive medical care, whenever they need it. Anytime.